REQUEST_URI: /blog/page/2/

PHP_SELF: /index.php

DOCUMENT_ROOT: /sites/chris-pearson/

SCRIPT_FILENAME: /sites/chris-pearson/

SCRIPT_NAME: /index.php





THESIS_SKIN: /sites/chris-pearson/

ABSPATH: /sites/chris-pearson/


Base URL:

Array ( [scheme] => https [host] => [path] => /blog/page/2/ )

Slug string is /blog/page/2

Parent is page!

New matched slug is 2.

Parent dir is /blog/page.

New matched parent is page.

New ancestor is .

Original parsed URL path is /blog/page/2/

Chopped up URL path is /blog/page/2/

Basename is 2

This is a Test Aside

Asides are a pretty cool feature that can really spice up a theme. Most tutorials on the web, however, require users to hand-code the exact category ID number, and this usually has to be done across no fewer than three template files. With Neoclassical Dark, you’ll never have to worry about that again!

See This Theme’s Styles in Action!

This theme comes equipped with everything you need to produce a professional-grade Web site. I personally guarantee you’ll be positively amazed by how easy it is to put your best foot forward with this product.

Find out all the styles that you’ll have at your disposal by choosing a theme from the sidebar, and then check out how the styles affect the content of this article. [continue reading…]

Formatting Images for Feed Readers

Chris Pearson in 2008

Properly formatting your posts for feed readers is tricky with WordPress, mostly due to the fact that WordPress will auto-insert unwanted paragraph tags and break tags that could adversely affect the style and look of your posts within a reader.

Since more and more people are turning to RSS as their primary means of digesting Web-based content, now is the time to perfect the art of publishing for both your site and its feed.

Let’s test a trackback.